Get started


We publish our roadmap to give the Wagtail community visibility on future features and enhancements we have planned, and when we expect to bring them to you. Features for which we are seeking sponsorship – something that has been of huge benefit to Wagtail over the years – are highlighted, and we'd love to hear from organisations that are interested in feature sponsorship.

Autosave support refactorings with Telepath

Labels customisations tech debt

Enhanced contrast admin themes

Labels accessibility ux

Dashboard enhancements

Labels content lifecycle ux

Admin UI performance benchmark

Labels performance scale

Universal Design

Labels tech debt ux

Content checks enhancements

Labels accessibility customisations

Maintainer week

Labels community needs contributions

Provisional version number and release dates. View our release schedule for exact dates.

Sponsor Wagtail

Help build Wagtail enhancements and support the long-term health of the project